Escape the Letdown of Mediocre Service

Elevated Regional Bus Transportation for Discerning Travelers

Reliable Daily Departures

Thoughtful Amenities

Dedicated Attendant

Book Your Trip

Search our schedule, see fares, and select your seat.

One Way Round Trip
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Please note: You have searched for service on a route that is not available on this day or has completed all trips for the day. The Nashville - Knoxville route is solely offered on select weekends to accommodate University of Tennessee football. Please change your travel dates or direct questions to

You deserve comfort, ease, and reliability. Don't let transportation ruin your plans.

Being late, experiencing bad service, and feeling stressed are not what you signed up for. Aren't you worth more than that?

Courtesy & Comfort Are Non-Negotiable

Everyone is Group A
aboard Vonlane

Kickback and relax with more legroom. No middle seats. No security lines. No hassles.

Let us take the wheel

Your time is your own, spend it how you want. Let our professionals drive you to your destination safely.

Arrive the best version of

Rested. Accomplished. Refreshed.

We understand that poor service and standards make you feel undervalued, unimportant, and disrespected.

  • Over 98% of our passengers would say they had a seamless travel experience.
  • We have driven over 21 million miles.
  • Our team has served over 1 million passengers.

Trusted By Major Law Firms,
Fortune 500 Corporations & Elite Luxury Travelers

How to Get Started

Book Your Trip

Booking is easy, just click the Book Your Trip button to start the process.

Ride Like The VIP You Are

Relax as your caring onboard attendant provides white glove service and a seamless travel experience.

Arrive Fresh & Ready
To Go

Congratulate yourself for making the smart decision to give yourself enough time to get caught up, get "me time", and rest.

Envision a truly exceptional travel experience.

To counter the disappointing service of airlines and the stress of driving yourself on the highway, Vonlane elevates your travel experience with premium route-based regional bus service.

We treat you like a VIP with dependable schedules, dedicated attendants, thoughtful amenities, and extra-comfortable leather seating. Arrive at your destination feeling valued, fresh, and ready to go.


Download "Beyond the Status Quo: Your Path to Unmatched Comfort and Care on Short Trips"

Download this free guide that will help you instantly become a pro traveler. Because we want you to avoid hassles and save time, we've put together this informative guide for you.